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This competency addresses students' ability to apply visual communication theories to multimodal design practices.

Visual Communication

Human Resources “Why I Love Working at Clemson”



Overview: Representatives from Clemson’s Human Resources Department asked graduate students enrolled in Dr. Susan Hilligoss’ ENGL 853: Visual Communication seminar to create posters advertising Clemson faculty and their love for the University and their positions. Posters were designed for display in Human Resource’s new office. I chose to feature this project because it was the first of my MAPC career. Other projects illustrating this competency are included. 


Software Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Semester Completed: Fall 2012


In addition to the Visual Communication competency, the following were gained:

  • A thorough and productive knowledge of Professional Communication processes, procedures, and practices in both workplace and academic contexts

  • Demonstrable technological and media production literacies



 To view a discussion of the rhetorical situation and goals, the 

 design and development process, and the critical reflection of this

 project, view the following pages:

View additional examples of projects that showcase the Visual Communication competency.

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