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This competency addresses students’ ability to apply classical and modern Rhetorical Theory to contemporary professional communication practices.

Rhetorical Theory

"Politics and Sports, and the Rhetors of Them: A Debate in Distanced Disciplines"



Overview: This assignment fulfilled the requirements for the final project in Dr. Scot Barnett’s ENGL 852: Rhetoric and Professional Communication course. Students worked with texts read during the course to develop a final project that engaged and applied some of the themes of the course. This final project was prefaced by a short prospectus explaining its scope and significance. I chose to compare two apparently unrelated discourses — politics and sports — and argued that these fields are united through their similarities of classical rhetoric.


Software Used: Microsoft Word, iMovie


Semester Completed: Fall 2012


In addition to the Rhetorical Theory competency, the following were gained:

  • Demonstrable technological and media production literacies

  • Outstanding writing and editing skills




To view a discussion of the rhetorical situation and goals, the design and development process, and the critical reflection of this project, view the following pages:

Click the image to download the paper.

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